Hello, I'm not sure how I ended up on this page bu...
# gd-beginners
Hello, I'm not sure how I ended up on this page but it shows a different way of creating dashboards. I see some people mentioning new vs old dashboards. Is this a new version?
😳 1
Hello Hans, you are currently looking on old dashboards (‘Dashoards’ tab). The newer version of dashboards is in ‘KPIs’ tab.
Hi Julius, I never saw this environment before. I managed to come here by accident. Can you tell me how to get there? I'm not sure if I'm following you with 'KIP's' tab.
I'm expecting to see this, am I right?
👍 1
correct, that is what you should see, apologies for my incorrect terminology, the tab is called ‘Dashboards’ in your case. To be honest I am not sure yet how did you manage to get to the old dashboards. I am still checking this, but do you remember any steps you took before getting there?
Hi Julius, I can't reproduce it anymore. It was when accessing the dashboards in a newly restored workspace. So it might be: • import ws • switching to new ws from another one in that environment (test)