Good afternoon, gooddata team. We wanted to know ...
# gooddata-cn
Good afternoon, gooddata team. We wanted to know if it is possible to share a dashboard as public without the need for authentication? We have customers who would like to have external sharing (via iframe, for example) of their dashboards and the concept of public doesn’t seem very clear that it exists in gooddata?! Any suggestions for this use case?
Hello Nuno, Thank you for this question. Currently this is possible only partially. Until now, users always needed to by logged in to GoodData via standard login or their OIDC mainly due to Security requirements. We have partially changed this in GoodData CN version 2.3.0 when we’ve added the possibility to authenticate users via API authentication token which makes the whole thing a lot easier (check the section
Embedded Analytical Designer Iframe Authentication
). However, as you can see this is currently possible only with Analytical designer. Feel free to check the bellow docs for more information regarding this feature: Good news is that in nearby future (in next CN release), we plan to spread this functionality also for Dashboards. I recommend you to regularly check our GD CN release notes.
But in every situation there is the need of having or a token or a user authentication. We are more like into share a dashboard publically without the need of authentication because this will be for public access that don’t have any account. Gooddata don’t have any example how to share without the need of using a authentication token? With only view access?