Hi guys, We try to pregenerate kubernetes manifest...
# gooddata-cn
Hi guys, We try to pregenerate kubernetes manifest via
helm template
command but it generates all objects into no namespace, hence the default ns is used:
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helm template gooddata-cn gooddata/gooddata-cn --namespace gooddata-cn -f customized-values-gooddata-cn.yaml --version 1.7.2
If we don’t supply values.yaml to the command it will then generate k8 objects into proper namespace (gooddata-cn).
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helm template gooddata-cn gooddata/gooddata-cn --namespace gooddata-cn  --version 1.7.2
Maybe it is problem in helm or am I completely missing out something?
✔️ 1
You're right, our helm charts do not add
metadata into rendered templates. If you run
helm install -n namespace
, it will deploy to a proper namespace. If you want apply rendered manifests, you'll need to specify namepsace on command line (
kubectl -n namespace apply -f helm-template-output.yaml
👍 1
ok, so we’ll go the “kubectl -n namespace” way. thanks!