Any tips for addressing CORS issues on the <GoodDa...
# gooddata-cn
Any tips for addressing CORS issues on the GoodData.CN server? I'm trying to wrap my head around what they expected production configuration would be... it almost seems as though the web client is expected to run from the same origin as the GoodData.CN instance?
Are you testing embedding the solution
🙂 Let me see if I can find an article for you. One of our two US Developer Advocates is in Prague for a little while and the other is on PTO today. Hang tight.
ok, thanks
if there was a way to turn it off on the server
This might help
Do those help at all?
looks promising... let me try
Yes, I think that did help...on to the next error!
Glad to hear it.
an I think I just got past my last error
I see chart!
and they are embedded...not even in an iFrame LOL
I had a feeling you could do it!
hey..If I can do tableau, I can do GoodData
the team is already super impressed with GD
performance mainly
I have to honestly say it is a really great product. (If you haven't figured it out yet I am an enterprise account executive here with some technical background)
Have you played much with our GD.UI
no, I am just getting into that now
that I have the server up
but this is going to do it I think,..we'll be able to get to production with this
with tableau we could not
appreciate your stellar help... there is still a lot more to do...and will need more assistance, but I think we are at PoC now... so that's good!