Is there a way to add another column to the Headli...
# gooddata-ui
Is there a way to add another column to the Headline Vis, or possible for it to read attributes instead of providing a count. Hoping to create a vis similar to this
Hi Elliott, Yes, this looks pretty doable to me. You can add one primary and up to two secondary metrics to your headline visualization. Also, if you use one primary and one secondary metric, the visualization shows also the comparison of both metrics. May I know what exactly do you mean by read of attributes, please?
For example, I'm trying to display the Origin SA3 column in the headline so I can quickly show the top source market in a metric card. However, when I drag the column into the Metric selection it only has the option of count, so I cannot show text. In this example I would want to show the text "Armidale", the total spend in 2024 and 2023 with a percent change
Thank you for the clarification, appreciated. You can definitely play around with our Code SandBox, if you’d like to check what’s customizable via UI SDK, but as far as I know, the headline is still limited for metrics only. That is why when you drag and drop the “Origin SA3” attribute into the metric field, a basic COUNT metric is created. Surely, you can create your own custom TOP(n) metric, but it would only show the actual value, such as “683.1 K” and not the related Attribute value “Armadale”. I am really sorry that this is not doable right now. However, you can add some interaction to your headline and set a Drilling step to some Dashboard/Visualization, which would show the top Spends per Origin SA3.
Okay thanks