Sorry just to add, is it possible to add another d...
# gooddata-ui
Sorry just to add, is it possible to add another date filter on the dashboard that allows me to customise my comparison period?
Hi Elliot, you can add multiple date filters to a dashboard, enhancing interactive time-based analyses. When using the primary (common) date filter, when you pick a date range, which is then applied across different visualizations with varying date datasets or dimensions. Each dashboard widget can be configured separately to determine which date dataset it utilizes. more details on Date Filter on Dashboards can be found here: However, if this question refers to the CONFIGURATION > Comparison settings in a visualisation, and you would like to use a different Date Filer for the Comparison, other than the dashboards Date Filter, this is not possible. Hope this helps!
Thanks Michael, just to double check that we are talking about the same thing. I was hoping I could have two filters on the page so I can easily customise the periods that I can compare between. For example:
Hi Elliott, sorry for the delay in getting back to you - On a dashboard you can only add a single Date Dimension on the dashboard. So if you wanted to add the the same Date Dimension on the dashboard 2 times, with 2 different filters settings. For example, Period 1/Q1 vs Period 2/Q2 - This would not be possible because we can only a single Date Dimension to a dashboard. However, you may find our documentation useful for having multiple filters on your dashboards. Specially the section on: Primary vs Additional Filter