Hi, I just stumbled over a new problem: When I cre...
# gooddata-platform
Hi, I just stumbled over a new problem: When I create a new dashboard, it automatically comes with a Date Filter. However I can’t find a way to select on which date dimension it is supposed to filter. In my current dashboard it automatically seems to pick the wrong one. I figured that only after going into “explore from here” into an insight, which then had the wrong date dimension.
Hi Thomas, you can customize how the date filter interacts with the visualizations on the dashboard. More on this can be found here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/free/en/dashboards-and-insights/dashboards/filters-in-dashboards/customize-date-filters-in-dashboards/
Thanks @Joseph Heun . I saw that article, but it seems to only talk about custom time spans. In my data model I have many date dimensions, and I want to choose which of this to use. So I didn’t find my answer in it
You can add the date filter you wish to use to the insight before adding it to the dashboard itself. This determines the usage of the date dimension. There is a brief synopsis of the behavior here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/growth/en/dashboards-and-insights/dashboards/filters-in-dashboards/date-filters-in-dashboards/#how-the-da[…]s-interact
Interesting. In my case none of the insights on the dashboard has a date filter. In that case does the dashboard randomly choose one?
Hi Thomas, the date filter on the dashboard is “universal” in a sense that it can work for different date dimensions at the same time. You can actually define a date dimension it should work with for each of the visualizations on the dashboard. You can do this in the “Configuration” section under the “filter by Date Range as” option. If you do not do this, I believe it selects one of them by some rule - I think the highest priority has potential date filter used in that visualization. If there is none, then it selects one of the ones that are compatible from the LDM perspective for the metrics used. I am not sure about the exact logic there, if it is just “first available” or if it also takes into account usage of other filters.
ok, that was it! One of the visualisations had a different date dimension assigned in this configuration. The insights themselves had no dates configured. Thanks a lot!
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