Hi all, Are we able to customize the page names o...
# gd-beginners
Hi all, Are we able to customize the page names on GoodData Cloud? As visible in the screenshot we can see the mention of GoodData Cloud across multiple webpages.
Hi Paiwand, May I know where exactly are these mentions coming from, please? Generally speaking, you can white-label your organization as described here.
These mentions?
I've change all the white labelling options per the page you just sent, however there is no adjustment of the words 'GoodData Cloud' to for example Organisation Name
I am sorry, it is bit difficult to rezognize the origin of these mentions from the screenshot. Are we speaking about the tab names in address bar of your browser, by chance?
Oh sorry, yes that screenshot are the tab names on Google Chrome 🙂
✔️ 1
I was wondering if there is some sort of whitelabelling feature where the mention of GoodData Cloud can be removed?
Thank you for the confirmation, appreciated! 😉 Let me check it internally, please.
Thank you for holding on in there, @Paiwand Karem. I’ve double-checked this with our Product team and unfortunately, but unfortunately, this GD mention cannot be removed from the browser right now. Current whitelabeling options are optimized for embedded user experience, where these tab names are not visible. However, I can imagine the use case where this might be undesirable, therefore I’ve gone ahead and submitted a product feedback on your behalf.
Ok thank you - would've thought this would be a standard white labelling feature
Yes, I can understand that, even though, most of our customers embed GD analytics into their own applications. Anyway, our Product team will definitely reconsider this functionality even for non-embedded solutions.