hello! I’m playing with the integration of Visuali...
# gooddata-ui
hello! I’m playing with the integration of Visualizations editing into our application. As far as I know, you can do this only using iframe embedding, as the Visualization react component does not support edit mode (please correct me if I’m wrong). I’m embedding the iframe with the
, because we want to have our own custom topbar. However, there doesn’t seem to be a “save” command, that I could trigger when user makes changes. Is there a way about it?
I found this in your codebase, but sending that save command results in
The user has no permission to process the insecure command (saveInsight)
Hi @Tomáš Gajdoš, thank you for the question, we are looking into it and I’ll get back to you once I know more.
Hi again, I’m sorry, we are considering postmessage commands (save, saveAs, export) as insecure and are blocked by default in GD Cloud. I will share your feedback with our product team to consider future development.
🎉 New note created.
Hi Jan. thanks for the message. I think we found a way to work around it. There’s an event fired, when you make a change to the Visualization that seems to contain the definition. We’re hoping to use that and then save the changes with an API call. But we’re yet to try that approach.
Hello! It seems that the embedded Visualizations editor sends
events whenever you make a change, except for when you make a change to the filters. This seems like an oversight to me. Can you please confirm if it is? If it isn’t, why is that? Thank you!
Hey Tomas, Radek here, the follow-up was escalated to me, this does seem like a fair point, I'll double-check with the SDK devs and let you know the official opinion on this 🙂
🙏 1
Hi Tomasi, the devs confirmed that this should actually result in the event being sent - you can see the code for this here and here; this has gone without modifications for quite some time as well. Can you share a little more detail of your implementation? A code snippet alongside SDK version info would go a long way - adding a screen recording could be even better! Many thanks! 🙂