Hi, somehow metrics dissapeard for me, but I am st...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi, somehow metrics dissapeard for me, but I am still seeing them in dashboards. But they are not visible under Metrics and also visualizations dissapeard.
Hey Marketa, this looks like a similar issue we had corrected in the past. Can you please confirm that these objects had been changed somehow? Were any changes made to the LDM or deletions in the workspace made?
I had some problem with LDM so I renew the version of LDM via Load and Put from my local repository. I deleted one object, then returned it with same Id, but it didnt helped and also some other issues, so I better returned to previous version, but it caused this issue - not seing any metrics and visualizations even though they are present in workspace - and the ids should fit correctly.
Hi Marketa, Thanks for the details on this. However, I'm afraid that the changes made with the LDM have caused cascading problems in the workspace. The best course of action would be to restore the workspace to a previous state. Have you created and saved a recent backup?
We are via python API storing declarative workspaces every day - sdk.catalog_workspace.store_declarative_workspaces as a backup, but not organization
Is it possible to somehow fix cascading problem in other way?
Hi Marketa, unfortunately there isn't much option. You will either need to recreate everything that has gone missing or restore from a previous backup. When making changes in the LDM there should be a warning presented before saying what cascading changes will be taking affect.
There was no worning unfortunetly, I am trying to make sure to no go over warnings. But I solved by fixing problematic id-name - also VS extension helped to find the issue 🙂
🙌 3