Hi, I am using the VS Code extension 0.7.0. I clon...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi, I am using the VS Code extension 0.7.0. I cloned the workspace to my local environment. In VS Code it is giving me an error see below, but there is no error/issue in the UI.
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The analytical objects cannot be deployed, because they contain errors. See the full list below.
[e] in ./analytics\datasets\F_INVOICES_V2.yaml 322:20
320|    sources:
321|      - source_column: CLIENT_ID
322|        data_type: INT
323|        target: D_CLIENTS.CLIENT_ID
324|  - dataset: D_DEBTORS_SCD
    Source column data type "INT" is not allowed here. Possible data types for use are "NUMERIC".
    at C:\Users\PhilipAsp\dev_gd_master\analytics\datasets\F_INVOICES_V2.yaml:322:20

[e] in ./analytics\datasets\F_INVOICES_V2.yaml 373:16
371|  - filter_id: wdf__client_id
372|    source_column: CLIENT_ID
373|    data_type: INT
    Source column data type "INT" is not allowed here. Possible data types for use are "NUMERIC".
The thing is that we have the same reference in other datasets and it does not give the error for those datasets. The only difference I can find is that the dataset that throw the error is a SQL Query dataset. I tried casting the CLIENT_ID field to INT, but that did not solve the issue.
Copy code
sql: "select ADMIN_FEE_NET,\r

  \       ADMIN_FEE_VAT,\r

Any suggestions?
Hello Philip, in your LDM, could you please confirm that the dataset is mapped to the correct data source? If it is, please also check that the same datasource appears assigned to data_source_id in the gooddata.yaml file. If you are still having issues, please send over here or via DM (if it’s more comfortable for you) the contents of F_INVOICES_V2.yaml.