Hello team, I'm looking for a possible solution—pe...
# gooddata-cloud
Hello team, I'm looking for a possible solution—perhaps through the API—to detect visualization objects that become non-functional due to changes (either in the LDM or in the metrics). Is there a way of identifying these errors?
Hi Evangelos, Happy Friday to you! 🙂 We do not have any API or resource that will list all the non-functional objects in a workspace. However, if you make any changes to your LDM that will have a cascading effect and will break objects in your workspace, your LDM will show you all the objects that will be affected by the update - As highlighted in the screenshot below:
Hi @Michael Ullock, thanks for your reply😊 I'm aware of this feature (which is super btw). Just wanted to see if there is a more automated way to make daily checks in my production dashboards. Thanks anyway👌
Can this feature be used for this purpose somehow? https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/gooddata-labs/alerts/
Hi Evangelos, this feature cannot be used in this way - As this doesn’t relate to metadata objects, but rather the data in the workspace. But I just checked this with our Product team, and they they mentioned that you can use our new Visual Studio Code to do referential validation of your workspaces: https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/api-and-sdk/vs-code-extension/ This will be coming to Mac soon - but I hope this helps!
We are currently using this extension and it's actually quite helpful. Thanks again @Michael Ullock for your quick replies😊 Have a nice weekend!