Hi GD - for the URL in "customize logo" function -...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi GD - for the URL in "customize logo" function - what type of URL should I input to ensure our logo appears? I was trying to go through https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/manage-organization/set-up-csp-for-organization/ but wasn't able to have the image apppear when enabling the "img-src" directive
Hi Max, I was trying out changing the Logo URL on my end and can see how you were sent to that article. It is a valid way of adding the img-src, if not very clear on the syntax. May I suggest instead the steps described in White-Label Your Organization? There’s a section called White-list Domains that shows how to perform an API call to update the img-src cspDirective with the correct syntax. I tested it out and it works perfectly; Would you kindly give it a shot and let me know? Here’s how the call looked on Postman when I did it:
Thanks Francisco!