Is it possible to integrate GD with any or each of...
# gooddata-cloud
Is it possible to integrate GD with any or each of the following? • Zendesk • Fullstory • amplitude?
Hi Max, These are not applications that are able to be integrated by out of the box solutions. How necessry is it for your solution to utilize these tools with GoodData. Could you provide details as to your full use caste?
We would be looking to ingest data from these platforms into GD so we can also track things like Zendesk tickets, Fullstory website views etc.
Any update on this @Joseph Heun? We'd love to know if this is on the roadmap?
Hi Max, there isn’t any out of the box solution to integrate these. You would essentially need to export the data from them and move to a support datasource from GoodData. Then you can load the data from the data source.
Hello Max, let me add my 50 cents here. It’s currently not possible to connect these systems directly with GoodData - as far as I know these system do not expose data store for analytics to access. However it is not difficult to ingest the data to data warehouse and use analytics on top of it. In our case we are working with Zendesk and Amplitude. We use Snowflake as data warehouse (but can be quite easily switched to other DWH). In case of Zendesk we use Meltano as extract tool from API (initial load may need bit more time due to ZD API limitations), ingest the data into DWH and use it within GoodData analytics (combined with other data like SFDC) - the setup is very similar to our SFDC demo. In case of Amplitude - the tool offers native data export to Snowflake (and other destinations) so we use it and again use the data for analytics (and again combined with other sources). Let me know in case you’d want more details.
🙌 2
Thanks Marek! Super helpful 🙂