Hi All, We have observed an issue while downloadin...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi All, We have observed an issue while downloading insight as an excel export. The custom formatting for background color is getting replaced by the excel cell format. Eg: As per the insight all the values below and including -50 should be displayed in red. Some of the cells are replaced by the default excel format(Image attached). Is there a workaround or global setting to change this behavior? We were unable to find any in documentation.
Hi Ashish, my initial thinking here is that perhaps you’re rounding to a whole number. The number of hash symbols (#) to the right of the decimal point dictate the number of decimal place values to display. If the input number has more place values than specified by the formatting syntax, the final decimal place value is rounded. For example, #.# applied to 7.25 results in a display value of 7.3. My thinking is that you’re seeing -50 in the insight/report. But the actual value is perhaps something like: -49.96 and it’s then being rounded to -50 and this is why the formatting isn’t being applied there. Can you please review and see if this is perhaps the case? More details on number formatting can be found here: https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/create-metrics/format-numbers/
Hi Michael, Thanks for your response. The issues seems to be with the excel exports. The same format is displayed correctly on insights as shown below. Where as the excel clears out background formatting for every alternate cells.
Can you please send me the colour formatting that you have applied there in your insight please?
[<=-0.5][backgroundcolor=ff4500]-#,##0.0%; [<0]-#,##0.0%; [<0.5]#,##0.0%; [>=0.5][backgroundcolor=8bdf6f]#,##0.0%;
I have highlighted the incorrect cells in yellow. The actual exported excel report is as below -
Hi Ashish, I just wanted to let you know that I am able to replicate this issue in my own testing workspace. I am going to reach out internally to see what might be causing the issue there - Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
👍 1
Thanks Michael!
Hi Ashish, I have gone ahead and created an internal ticket for our engineers to fix and resolve this issue. Once I have more details on the fix, I will reach back out and let you know.
Thanks Michael!