Hi, I have an issue to display insights (”Sorry, w...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi, I have an issue to display insights (”Sorry, we can’t display this insight”) when I use a filter “États-Unis d'Amérique” only. Note that the issue doesn’t appear when I filter using other countries names. Note also that I tried filtering with other countries names containing an accent (”Arménie”) and it works fine. Trace ID : SfadX4uhk4Vy2dQ.
Hi Laura, Strangely, I was unable to find any record tied to this TraceID. Could you retry your attempt and check the TraceID again, please? Also, could you make sure that selected Filter value doesn’t have any extra space in the end of a string?
Hi Ivana, here is a new traceID :"ac21ee113564baa890ccd45252b94a20"
I don't think there is an extra space at the end of the string but I'll double check
Thank you a lot, I will go through our LOG. I am asking about the extra space “character” as per another customer of ours had a similar issue with few Filter values uploaded like this. Surely, it might be something completely different.
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I confirm there is no extra space but I think it's the " ' " that creates the issue
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Thanks again. I’ll get back to you with my findings shortly.
Hi @Laura Piraux, Thanks a lot for bearing with me. Unfortunately, your assumption here was correct. I will inform our engineers about this misbehaviour and keep you posted.
Thank you Ivana.
Hi @Laura Piraux, Sorry for no update for a while, my bad. Could you kindly confirm what data source are you working with, please? Could it be BigQuery by a chance? and if possible, could you also let me know what Cloud version do you user, please?
Hi @Ivana Gasparekova, yes we're using BigQuery. We're using your SaaS but I don't know the version, where can I find that info ? Thanks
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Thanks a lot for the confirmation. We can try it from other end, could you tell me how do you access GoodData, please? Feel free to share the URL/Hostname with me via DM if it more comfortable for you.
Hello @Laura Piraux , sorry for a long delay. We have identified a bug on our side causing the error you reported. The bug is triggered by
in the filter string exactly as you described several comments above. To be more concrete we generate a query with string literal
'\u00c9tats-Unis d''Am\u00e9rique'
, notice
in the string. It is correct we are trying to escape
as it is special character. But the correct escape character is
as per BigQuery documentation. The fix is being prepared but I am not sure we will be able to deliver it in the next release which is currently scheduled to 14.12.2023.
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@Pavel Cerny Thanks for the reply. Let's hope it can be in the next release ! If not, when is the one planned after the 14.12.2023 ?
It will be part of the next release.
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Great ! Thanks
Hi @Laura Piraux, Thanks a lot for bearing with us. The issue should be fixed already. Could you be so kind and test it on your end, please?
@Ivana Gasparekova Thanks ! I've tested it and I confirm it's working 🙂
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Yay, really glad to hear so. Thanks a lot or letting me know! 🙂