Hello, I'm trying to export an insight as XLSX thr...
# gooddata-cloud
Hello, I'm trying to export an insight as XLSX through the gooddata portal (so, not an embed, directly on our gooddata instance) and i'm faced with a server error. Here is the traceId: "afaa8ca5b864d03e88eeceec8ed6b7f1". I don't have much more informations to share aside that it is a table insight. Can someone have a look? Thanks!
Hi Simon, Iโ€™m sorry to hear about the issue you are experiencing. Also, thank you for sending the traceID right away so I could check our logs. Actually, I have some suspicion about the root cause here. The previous issue weโ€™ve encountered occurred while attempting to export an insight that had both row totals and column totals defined, and the table contained the same attribute in both rows and columns, just like in the example table below:
Can you please confirm if there is the same/similar use-case on your side?
Hi Julius, thanks for having a look. We have different attributes set for rows and columns, but a single metric that is used to comput row and column totals.
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Thank you. I was able to replicate. So actually, same attributes are not the issue, but rather same metric used for both row & column totals. Our engineering is already aware that similar issue might occur. I will highlight this case internally and escalate it so we can fix the problem as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience. I will let you know once I have more information.
thank you @Julius Kos, we will try to workaround the issue in the meantime - by using different metrics or disable one of the column or row totals (i'm not sure how to do the latter though)
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regarding the latter, could you please be bit more specific? what exactly are you not sure how to do? I will gladly assist there.
since the issue is "same metric used for both row & column totals", i wonder if we can disable/hide either the row or columns totals as a workaround?
definitely, just hover your cursor over the specific metric in your table insight:
choose the function and pickup which totals should be displayed.
thank you, it works ๐Ÿ™‚ have a nice day
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Hi Simon, I just wanted to follow-up here and inform you that it was internally confirmed that the issue will be fixed soon. We donโ€™t have precise ETA for you but our engineers have this on their roadmap for upcoming release changes.
great news ๐Ÿš€ thanks for the heads up