Do transposed tables support renaming metrics in t...
# gooddata-cloud
Do transposed tables support renaming metrics in the designer? When I rename the metric to have shorter name in the table I get the original metric name in the table rows.
Hi Vaclav, I am not able to replicate this behaviour - If I rename any metric in the Designer through the method outlined in my screenshot below, the names of the metrics are then carried through to table report:
Perhaps if you could please provide a few more details?
When you have Metrics in Rows this happens
Again, I am not able to replicate this - If I rename a metric (In the method outlined in my previous screenshot) which is under “Rows” it is automatically updated in the table report after I hit enter or click my cursor anywhere in the table report
Screen Recording 2023-10-24 at
Hi Vaclav, Can you confirm the web browser and version you are using? I was able to reproduce it from end, but then noticed my chrome was out of date. After I updated the browser the title change would stay the same.
Same behavior on:
Copy code
Chrome is up to date
Version 118.0.5993.117 (Official Build) (arm64)
Can you please try and use a different browser and see if the issue still persists there?