Hello guys, I am using userDataFilters to filter w...
# gooddata-cloud
Hello guys, I am using userDataFilters to filter whole datasets for logged users. It works pretty good, but it does not prefilter filters in dashboards. So in my case, directors can see hierarchy structure of whole company. Do somebody use userDataFilters and have the same issue?
Hi Ondřej, the userDataFilters filter is not applied to attributes in the dashboard filter even though selecting the attribute values that have been filtered won’t have any effect. I would suggest removing the filter from the dashboard or depending on your use case, assign the users to separate workspaces via workspace hierarchy if possible.
Ok, thanks for answer. Do you know if there is a plan to implement this?
I am not aware of any implementation plan for this, but I will make sure to highlight it internally. Thank you for bringing it to our attention!
🎉 New note created.