Hello. Is there any plan to add filtered values in...
# gooddata-cloud
Hello. Is there any plan to add filtered values into drill by URL? I have some insights that are filterable. When a client filters values, they expect that the drilldown by URL will apply that filter going forward into our own platform. We support this on our end, but GD doesn't let us pass filtered values into URL as parameters.
Hi Filip, we don’t have this planned definitively just yet, but I’ll certainly mark this down for the product team to get more eyes on it. You can keep up to date with new features and releases here: https://community.gooddata.com/product-updates
🎉 New note created.
@Joseph Heun Has there been any progress on this? We really need this feature ASAP.
Hi Filip, It would be best to follow up with such requests with your Account Owner from GoodData.