Major difficulty on creating a report :thread:
# gooddata-cloud
Major difficulty on creating a report 🧵
Hello GoodData team, have a great week ahead. I need to create a report for this specification. The formula is pretty straightforward and up to now I have created the variables needed as metrics. How would I be able to create the relevant report, ideally as a column chart. Thank you in advance!
Hi Menelaos, you can find our resources on creating column charts here I would also suggest enrolling in our free GoodData University, which can provide great guidance on building LDMs, metrics, insights, dashboards etc. If you are working on a report with incorrect results, or you cannot seem to get exactly what you are after, could you please provide screenshots and details as to what exactly is wrong and what you are expecting to see?
Haven't set this up yet, but how would I get started to follow the formula, as described in the document?
I’m sorry but this is all dependent on how you have set up your data model and how you are working with it.
🙃 1
As I told you, I have already created the metrics, based on my data model. Difficult for me to construct it in the analyze tab.
Could you please provide screenshots as to what you are seeing and describe what you are expecting to see?
Yes, let me prepare that. Thanks
I've created different metrics as described in the formula for the variables. What I want to do now is to deploy a report like have a column chart that shoes my retention rates over time.
If you are unable to yield your desired results, please provide a screenshot of what you are seeing detailing what you are expecting to see