Hey All, Question about the data source and PDM/L...
# gooddata-cloud
Hey All, Question about the data source and PDM/LDM. We are working on our development process of promoting our LDM between environments (instances of GD for dev,qa, etc.). I just imported our LDM into our QA environment and it failed to map to the PDM because the data source needed to be refreshed. (I fixed this issue by refreshing the data model and then re-importing the LDM through the API). Is there some API or process to refresh the data source/PDM? It happens quite a bit where we change/update the actual data model and need the PDM to be refreshed to get the new changes. If not understand its something we'll need to do as part of the publish of our LDM (validate the mapping)
Hi Steve, Definitely, you can use the bellow API to scan/refresh your database/PDM: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/api-and-sdk/api/api_reference_all/#operation/scanDataSource
That will force a refresh of the datasource/PDM?
what is the scan done by the UI when you hit refresh?
the refresh from the UI triggers the same API endpoints from the documentation:
Ah, ok seeing what the client is doing: Calls: scan, then does a put on the physicalModel
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so if we actually wanted to make sure the physical model was updated before we did a LDM update we would want to do that combination
@Dave Hood, @Carol Hood fyi
@Julius Kos according to the api documentation this is deprecated. Is there another API to replace?
@Steve Fox Let me double-check this internally.
Hi Steve, Please let me step in here. The endpoints are still valid now, but the PDM will be deprecated soon. You can follow our Release Notes to stay up to date.
Sure, my question is what is the replacement?
I didn't see anything else that seems in parallel
Hi Steve, basically the plan is to extend the LDM with the required information, so it will be no longer needed to have it separated. The rollout will be done in a way that there will be a transition period when both of these ways (PDM vs extended LDM) will work and also the LDM will extend itself automatically with the information from existing PDM. This should be described in the upcoming release notes once the change is made. I'll be happy to answer any further questions.
🙌 1
Ok, good to know