How do we filter on an attribute that "starts with...
# gooddata-cloud
How do we filter on an attribute that "starts with" or "contains" some substring? Trying to build a simple insight and quickly discovered that there's just a multi-select option for all the string values of a given attribute. I'm sure this can be done in MAQL but not clear where to start on this.
Hi Philip, you can use the “LIKE” clause, e.g.:
Copy code
SELECT SUM({metric/revenue}) WHERE {label/product_name} LIKE "%red%"
Got it, thanks. So is there any way to make the predicate be dynamic, selectable by an end-user? I.e., I want to make
Hi Philip, Unfortunately it cannot be dynamic and has to be a complete value as it is put in the source data.
is there anything on the road map for allowing user selection of something like "starts with" or "contains" when doing attribute filters?
🎉 New note created.
I’ve marked this down for product feedback and you can keep an eye on feature releases HERE
thanks. is there any place to see the list of upcoming features in one spot? with approximate roadmap dates?
I’m afraid we don’t have something like this publicly published. The best way to stay up to date is to follow the release notes and community pages.