hi! important set of questions that one of our cus...
# gooddata-platform
hi! important set of questions that one of our customers has asked us (for a multi-tenanted setup): inside of visualizations, can we control 1) who can create reports; 2) who can view which reports and (most complicated) 3) if we can limit the fields that a specific role has access to so that they could create reports but have limited access to specific fields
Hello Sasha, Any user with at least “ANALYZE” permissions is able to create reports, more information about roles can be found in our documentation: https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/manage-organization/manage-permissions/set-permissions-for-workspace/ Regarding who can view which reports, this can be managed via the share dashboard option described here: https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/create-dashboards/share-dashboards/ Limiting which sections of the workspace a user can access is managed via the user permissions, for example, if you assign a user the “VIEW” permission, they will be able to see the dashboards dashboard creators have shared with them, but Analytical Designer will not be available. On the other hand, if you are referring to the data itself, this can be managed via data filters: Set Up Data Filters in Workspaces | GoodData Cloud In the future, please make sure to direct your GoodData Cloud related questions to our dedicated channel https://gooddataconnect.slack.com/archives/C04S1MSLEAW so they get the right attention and releant answers
yes moises thanks for the answer but this is a copy paste of your email reply
I was talking about visualization reports, not dashboards specifically
but the info on dashboards was helpful too!
do reports created under the visualization builder/report builder/however you call it follow the same permissions pattenr?
Other than limiting the access to Analytical Designer via user permissions, you can look into creating a multitenant environment, with it, while end users will still be able to access Analytical Designer unless this is limited via user permissions, you can limit the data they are able to access, although this does not remove any menus from the worskpace per se
May I know what’s the use case?
it’s already a multi-tenanted environment
we want some users within the tenant to be able to access certain reports in the visualizer
there is currently no other way to limit the menus users have access to other than by assigning user permissions. But I would rather recommend setting data permissions so they have access to only the data they are intended to see.