Hello amazing GD people! We have a rather odd situ...
# gooddata-platform
Hello amazing GD people! We have a rather odd situation, we are unable to add incremental load to a dataset in our model. For some reason the system does not understand that something has changed, and it is not persisted(the save button does not become clicable), even when we set the incremental load, when we click save_changes on the dataset popup, it just closes without saving.
It seems to be a problem specific to the project we use as a Template, we can confirm this, because we cloned the project, and tried changing the model and were able to do so successfully
Hi Tomas, this seems like a strange on! 🙂 Perhaps the project became corrupted after some updates you might have made - Can you please try and run a validation on the workspace? https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/workspace-and-user-administration/administrating-workspaces-and-workspace-objects/validate-a-workspace/ Have you tried a different browser and machine and it’s still the same?
We added an attribute for this Dataset yeterday, and it seems to be when the incremental_load was removed, though not on purpose
I ran the validation, and the only error that comes up is: PK_FK_CONSISTENCY, ERROR which is expected as we load synthetic data unto this project to help our team in designing KPIs
We just checked the last released version created from this template and the same issue replicates there
I can send you the links to the resources privately if you would like to check them yourself
So @Michael Ullock what we just noticed is that it is forcing any dataset to remove the incremental_load feature whenever we add a new attribute. Is this expected?
We have now replicated it successfully on all accounts we have tried
Hi Tomas, just to clarify - by “adding incremental load” do you mean • actually loading the data to the dataset incrementally ◦ if it is this case, are you receiving any error message? • or adding the “incremental load” column in the modeller application (see the screenshot) ◦ if it is this case, is this the only model change you are performing?
Its the second option, its as if whenever we add a new column to a dataset, it removes automatically the incremental_load_timestamp, and refuses to add it again until the Data is loaded to the projects
Hi Tomas, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. But I just wanted to let you no that our team is currently looking into this issue for you.
Thanks Michael! I just read the ticket created by Diego, we can follow up there
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