Hello Team, We are currently in the process of tes...
# gooddata-platform
Hello Team, We are currently in the process of testing the Single Sign-On (SSO) with insights, and we have encountered an issue involving a blank page when forwarding the encrypted token to Good Data. Although the requests are returning a 200 OK response, no additional information is visible. We are transmitting the claim for the user with administrative access in the tool. I am uncertain about what might be causing this problem. Could you please assist us in resolving this issue? Please inform us if any additional information is required. Thank you.
Hello Khushbu, Sorry to hear about your troubles. May I know what particular API are you working with, please?
Are you calling the API for SSO PGP login?
Hello @Ivana Gasparekova thats correct, we are calling API for SSO PGP login
Thank you for the confirmation. Could you provide us and example of your Encrypted Claims, please? Also, could you confirm that correct SSO Provider was already assigned to user by your Domain Admin? We can verify that on our end as well, please feel free to send me the UserID or User login via DM.
Hello Ivana, I have sent you the information via DM
Hello @Ivana Gasparekova, As I have mention yesterday, I am calling the API endpoint highlighted in the screenshot and passing the target URL as '/dashboards/embedded'. Do I need to include anything else in the target URL? Thanks CC- @Hans Cornette, @Luis Carriço
Hi @Ivana Gasparekova, @Saurabh Pandaw is a colleague of ours working with Khushbu SHarma. Could you please pick up his messages as part of the thread?
Hi @Saurabh Pandaw sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. The targetUrl doesn’t look fully defined. There needs to be a workspace and dashboard id to navigate yout to what you are trying to access. Also, the blank page can occur when you are working with a completely empty workspace. Could you provide the workspace ID you are trying to access?
Hi @Joseph Heun, I have send you the workspace id via dm
Hello @Joseph Heun @Ivana Gasparekova Is it possible to have a short slack call tomorrow AM about the issue?
Can you please let us know your availability?
Hi All, Unfortunately, I was out of the office for a week. That’s why my colleague Joseph got involved. Please be aware that implementation of SSO Provider is a self-service feature. In case you are facing some issues, we are happy to help here and answer your questions. We can also submit a ticket on your behalf, if needed and continue off the Slack with all parties involved at one thread. However, we cannot promise that we will have a capacity to jump on call with you and guide you through the setup. Similar implementations are mostly handled by our team of Professional Services - just be aware that such solution might require purchase/consumption of some of your Service hours.
I reviewed your last attachment here and it doesn’t look like a part of your embedded solution to me. It seems like a basic authentication call under some API client(Postman maybe?). If it results in status 200 - you are authenticated correctly and you can access your analytics or execute other API calls. Could you let me know how exactly are you embedding your analytics with SSO, please? An example can be found here.