Hi,I couldn't find a template to show the time nex...
# gooddata-platform
Hi,I couldn't find a template to show the time next to a date. So, now I'm chopping it off in SQL and showing the date and time in a separate fields, the latter in a text field. Is there a better way to achieve having a time in there?
Hi Hans, you assumed correctly: the only way to show timestamps in GD Platform is by making it into an Attribute that is connected to the Date dimension. There are some additional suggestions for setting this up via a Custom Time Dimension, which can be found on this article, but it’s pretty much the same scenario (only using more/different attributes).
Thanks Francisco!
🙌 1
Good morning @Francisco Antunes, When sorted by Date, the times aren't sorted. Any idea how to fix this?
Could not find subsequent sorting...
Hello @Hans Cornette! I’ve looked into this, and it can be done via Sorting Labels. This is explained in this article, on the section Sort an attribute by a Label. The idea is that you’d add a column on the Data Source that can be used to sort the column without affecting how it looks. It can even re-utilize an attribute already in the dataset. I’m not sure how to best do it in this case, however. You’d probably need a column with the entire date/timestamp data, and sort the timestamps by that. This way, the Date becomes “invisible” but still influences the sorting on the timestamps, if that makes sense.
Hi Francisco. Thanks, I created a linenumber based on the datetime. It even is convenient to keep it in the details of the report. Then indeed, I can order the time by the line number. Thx :-)