Hello! I'm planning to integrate the platform in o...
# gooddata-platform
Hello! I'm planning to integrate the platform in our product. For the customers it will change the way they log on, which integrates it better with our product suite. When integrating the iframe in the product, the analyze tab is removed. How do we provide that functionality again, without having to go by the Explore from here option?
Hi Hans, You will need to embed the analytical designer tab separately, but you can follow the steps as mentioned here:
Okay, and how is a user expected to change their account settings?
sorry for this, but maybe I misunderstood exactly how you are embedding GoodData here. Are you embedding the whole workspace? If so, then I believe you are looking at enabling the platform setting, enableAnalyticalDashboards. Could you please confirm if this helps with your use case, and if not elaborate on how users would access your product?
Hi Joseph, What I would like to do is embed GoodData in a way that gives the users of my customer the option to use the dashboards we have created for them and the analytical designer. Next to that it would be helpful that they can access help. So, itwould be helpful to only see the items here in red:
We do give them an explorer role which removes the data and Manage buttons. But Ideally they wouldn't have the option to switch envrionments - as they only have 1,
(and not logout, as they are logged on through SSO)
The platform settings, as previously mentioned, will add or remove the analyze tab. If the user only has access to one workspace, then they wouldn’t be able to access any other workspace. If a user does have access to multiple workspaces, they should be able to switch to what is available as mentioned here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/workspace-and-user-administration/adminis[…]-workspaces-and-workspace-objects/switch-between-workspaces/
Thanks, Joseph that I do understand. I wanted to know if there's a possibility to remove the environment name as there is only one. In our case it refers to their company which is a bit overkill as there would be a horizontal menubar of our software, then another horizontal menubar banner for GD.
Nothing out of the box to remove this, but you could possibly layer an image over it to render it invisible. However, I’m not sure how possible that is for you and your use case. We could try and mark this for product feedback on your behalf for the product team to review.
Thank you. As a PM of my product, I'm currently trying to integrate GD in my product as an intermediate step to deliver a standard reporting functionality to all users with the explorer role. I would definitely opt to mark menu items visible/invisible when they were available. This would remove the need to • embed the dashboards and the analyzer on different pages or buttons • manage the help and GD account information through my own app
🎉 New note created.