I am having an issue with the "Save as new" button...
# gooddata-platform
I am having an issue with the "Save as new" button on Dashboards. When I click it, it prompts me to give the new dashboard a name, then I name it and hit OK. The next screen is a blank/default dashboard building screen that doesn't contain a copy of the dashboard I wanted to copy. Can you tell me what is going wrong?
Hi Willie, I’m sorry to hear about the issue. After copying the dashboard, is it available to you, or is it gone? Are you the dashboard’s creator, or has it been shared with you by someone else? Do you access it via the UI, or via URL/Drill in? Also, if you access the Gray Pages at
, do the copied Dashboards show up? (when accessed with an admin account, this URL should display a list of all dashboards that exist on the workspace, regardless of sharing options)
The new Dashboard is editable , yes, but its not a copy of the one i just copied. Its a blank/new dashboard I am not the dashboard creator, no. The dashboard being copied was created by an admin account.
We have good data embedded into our application.
Thanks for the details! I understand the issue now. So you are duplicating the Dashboard in the embedded window? Is it embedded via SDK, or via iFrame? If you attempt the duplication directly from the GoodData platform, does it also give you trouble?
If I use the GoodData site, it copies properly
Are you logged in with the same user in the iFrame as in the Platform? How is authentication done on the embedded application? I was able to duplicate a dashboard on embedded iFrame with no issues on my test environment. Our goal now is to try and reproduce this behavior, or understand what’s causing it 🙂
Yes, logged in the same way in iFrame and Platform
Our platform logg the user into good data
I believe the way you navigate to the dashboard is by URL/Drill in if that helps
(inside our app) ... our app navigates the iframe to the dashboard URL
Thank you for all the info. Please bear with me for a while longer: Is this affecting any other users? Does it occur with all dashboards, or only specific ones? Does it also occur if you use a different Web Browser?
all dashboards
all users
The dashboards I am trying to copy have the "lock" if that matters
Thanks for answering all my questions! This is a pretty strange one, so I think we’ll need to take a closer look directly at the affected workspace, and our logs too. We’ll need a proper ticket for that. Would you kindly send an email to support@gooddata.com so we can continue investigating from there? If you could add some screenshots of the issue, that would also be great! Don’t worry, I’ve been documenting all of our discussion so far and will be sure to add it on the ticket as well. Once again, I appreciate you answering all my questions! Thank you!
I just sent the email
I see it, thank you!
I added a loom video to the support ticket