I need help with the Good Data Success dashboard. ...
# gooddata-platform
I need help with the Good Data Success dashboard. (see screenshot below) . For the "workspaces by tier" report, I need to be able to "Explore" the report and change it so that I can see the "current" workspace sizes. When I look at the report now it seems to be taking an average over months of "snapshots". So when I make changes to reduce the data loaded into the workspaces, it doesn't show up accurately the next day. I know the data is only refreshed once per day at around 11AM EST. But when I view the report, I need to see just the current workspace sizes, not the snapshot over the last two months.
Hi Willie, Please note that there are two types of state information in GoodSuccess- daily snapshotted state and monthly snapshotted data for “billing” - the workspace tier and size for billing is monthly aggregated value - so if you change size now, it will be visible in next month billing data.
How do I see the daily snapshotted view?
Hello Willie, you can find daily snapshotted data in dataset “Workspace Size”, while the monthly “billing” data are stored within “Workspace Tier Snapshot”
In addition, there are ready made metrics in regards to workspace size - especially the metrics “Last/First Snapshot” may get handy especially for trend reports - it shows the value at the last/first day of particular interval - if you work with month granularity it shows you ws size on last/first day of the month.
Thank you. That is what I needed.
One more question. We are battling this problem again with "bloated" date objects. By Default, the date objects in good data have dates dating back to the year 1900. We have over 20 date objects in our model. So a workspace with no actual customer data in it is about ~350MB. This instantly makes a tiny workspace into a basic workspace which is a major problem. We have written all of this code to override the default date objects in our workspaces with a custom date table that starts in 2017. Sometimes, depending on the loading/creating actions we do with automated workspace management, the dates go back to the default and it blows up our licensing. We are working on fixing the problem, but I have to tell you this is a major pain. Because the date objects don't get replicated through ADD, it means that there isn't an easy way to fix these. And finding them when they occur is nearly impossible. And I don't think there is any way to configure the "default" date object range. So I have a few questions: 1. Is there a way to configure the default date range to load into Date dimensions? 2. Is there an easier way to fix the date dimensions than to loop over every workspace and every date object and load a custom file through the API? 3. Is there a way in the success dashboard to filter to the date dimension objects so that I can easily see which ones need to be repaired?
Hello Willie, I’m not an expert here, so take my answers as high level ones (I’ll ask someone more experienced to check). 1. I don’t think there is configuration allowing override the default settings (as explained in documentation - if the dimension range would be synchronised via LCM - it would always overwrite the ranges that are default per client) 2. I don’t think there can be anything faster than scripting the routine through API (if I personally should do so, I’d take list of newly created workspaces and periodically run the script loading the shortened date dimension) 3. This information is not available in GoodSuccess workspace. (still it should be possible to get the information programmatically - if I’d need the info - I’d check each date dimension in an insight via API - since its possible to list the date dimension you’d see in the output which dimensions have which range - of course it bit depend on your solution)