hello all, i’m following <https://www.gooddata.com...
# gooddata-platform
hello all, i’m following https://www.gooddata.com/blog/analytics-modern-world-part-3/ to build a report that analyze metrics of assets added in a tag. I also create a bridge dataset that has many-many relation ships with Assets dataset so that a tag can traverse to metrics of assets. Now I want to add Pages dataset which also added in a tag. Now I want to build a report to know metrics of assets and pages that are added in tag. I’m going to add a many-many relationship between Pages and Tag Asset Bridge. But the problem is I will introduce an alternative paths to traverse attributes in the Asset dataset because there 2 ways to slice it. Could you please advice me how should I build a report that a tag can include metrics of assets and pages. I also want to keep 1-many relationship between Asset and Pages Metrics because it serves for another report.
Hello Nam, Making these connections in MAQL can be done using the BY clause in your statements. This helps to link datasets in the LDM. There is an older document in our classic documentation which describes this behavior as explicit lifting.
Hi Joseph, It seems the metrics I said in the LDM cause a misunderstanding. I meant that they’re fact values in the Asset such as how many users view or download asset. In the Page Metrics, it means fact values such as how many users view the page. The link you sent me that help me create new metrics that my manager doesn’t want to use. He wants to build report by using tag with fact values in both Asset Metrics and Page Metrics datasets
I’d like to update the LDM
Hi Nam, do I understand your question correctly, that you now have the model from your drawing and want to add “tag” also to “pages”? If yes, then you are correct that you can not do it by connecting the same existing “Tags” dataset that you already have, because that would cause alternative path. It would also cause a logical dilemma when some metric from page views would be filtered or sliced by tag - would it be the tag connected via Asset or tag connected via Page. If both pages and assets have tags and you want to report on top of them separatelly, one option would be to have two instances of “Tags” datasets - one “Asset Tags” and the other for “Page Tags”. This should be relatively universal and also by using a specific attribute - either “Asset Tag” or “Page Tag” you will always know which kind of tag/relation is being used. Something like on this screenshot.
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… or if you have some specific requirement to analyze both the “Page” and “Asset” facts by a common set of “Tags” (i.e. see for each tag how many users downloaded tagged assets and viewed pages with the same tag, I think you would need to prepare some pre-calcualted tables/datasets for this where you would expand the facts by the tags (i.e. have multiple repeating rows for different tags of the same asset/page). And then for the tag-related analysis you would use these datasets and facts… just beware of possible double counting, you might need to do some MAX() BY something magic within MAQL to avoid the duplicities if more than one tag would be displayed. (see the screenshot attached for example of such model). I am not familiar with your exact data model and the business requirements so this proposal might not be feasible or reasonable in your specific case, but that would be the closes idea that comes to my mind if I had to propose some model for such requirement. Here it really depends on what specific reports you want to be able to build.
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Hi Michal, Thanks for response! You understand my question correctly. I’m doing the same approach you suggested that create new Tag for page. My manager agreed with that. I’m really appreciate your help
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