Hello, I'm planning to embed gooddata in my applic...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, I'm planning to embed gooddata in my application. Is there a way to have the analyze functionality embedded as well, starting from a blank?
Oh that's great. It works 🙂 Can you please help me with the design choice behind the split of the dashboards and the analyzer? You can use explore from here and get to the analyzer. Yet, they require a different url to access the full analyzer functionality. This urges development to create 2 links: 1 for dash and 1 for analyze. While it seems the gooddata functionality, as an analytics package is mostly seen as 1 workspace. Initially I thought all functionality should be available from 1 embedded iframe. Can you explain the design choice here?
The split is persona/use-case based. Dashboard embedding should be enough for people who consume dashboard content. • For users who are explorers by nature, GD provides ability to explore dashboard content further using “Explore from here” • For users who would like to create their own dashboard, GD provides ability to do so from the dashboard - again using an embedded analytics designer. This embedded experience does not provide all the features of a fully-embedded analytics designer - specifically users cannot create new MAQL metrics. Analytics designer main focus is ad-hoc analysis. If you want to provide your customers just this use case, then embed a separate analytics designer.
I would personally start by embedding dashboard and relying on the analytical designer that is out-of-the-box embedded into it. And embed a separate analytical designer only if you find out that you miss some functionality.
Alright, thanks for your explanation. That's makes sense indeed. We will start with offering dashboards to explorers