Hello, When running LCM - User Provisioning Brick...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, When running LCM - User Provisioning Brick I can successfully Add users to my domain (step 1) but I am getting an error when Syncing Users to Workspaces (step 2) "Error during k8s execution: error creating k8s job: Unprocessable Entity". Looking at the log it seems to be an issue with brick parameter "do_not_touch_users_ that_are_not_mentioned" which I set to "true". "Invalid value: "BRICK_PARAM_do_not_touch_users_ that_are_not_mentioned": a valid environment variable name must consist of alphabetic characters, digits, '_', '-', or '.', and must not start with a digit (e.g. 'my.env-name', or 'MY_ENV.NAME', or 'MyEnvName1', regex used for validation is '[-._a-zA-Z][-._a-zA-Z0-9]*') " Can you guys help? Thanks
Hi Luis, from the log above I can see that you have an extra space in the parameter: users_ that “do_not_touch_users_ that_are_not_mentioned” “do_not_touch_users_that_are_not_mentioned” Can you please update the parameter and remove the space and let us know if this helps?
🙌 1
Indeed it worked. Thanks Michael!
Great, thanks for letting me know! 🙂