Is there a way to export/import all of the metrics...
# gooddata-platform
Is there a way to export/import all of the metrics from one workspace into another and keep all of the object and field references intact? Is there a way to do the same thing for Dashboards?
Hi Willie, you can definitely migrate selected objects. Please note, that in order to correctly execute these migrations you will need to ensure three things: • You use the same account to access the workspaces. • You are a workspace administrator in both workspaces. • The workspaces have the same logical data model.
Thank you. But my situation is a little more complicated. We have three separate (whit labeled) environments. Development, Staging, and Production. I want to clone a workspace (or copy objects) from DEV to Production or vice-versa. Is that possible?
Absolutely. There is a small checkbox when making the export where you can specify a user in another domain. Add the user from the other domain to the text box there and it will allow you to import the object with that user.
Thank you. Is that checkbox only available on the full export? Can I do a partial export across two whit labeled domains?
Sorry Willie, that is correct. I confused the two grey pages with the full and partial export. As long as you can access the target workspace you can import the token used for the export.