Hello, we’re having some sparse data based on dat...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, we’re having some sparse data based on dates, and wanted to display it as a timeseries. However, when using a bar chart or a line chart, the axis only shows the dates that actually have data. How can we also display the dates that do NOT have datapoints associated to them? It is a very common request, that we got multiple times by now, and we didn’t find a chart option to do that. Would that be doable with custom metrics or computed attributes?
Hi Tomas, the IFNULL statement allows you to predefine how the GoodData platform addresses any missing values that are returned by an expression. If a metric expression that is wrapped within an IFNULL statement ever returns a null value, the replacement number specified in the second parameter of the IFNULL function is inserted in place of the null value. More details on this can be found here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/dashboards-and-insights/maql-analytical-q[…]language/maql-expression-reference/logical-functions/ifnull/
OK, so if I have data for lets say “order count” for August 3rd, 10th, and 11th, and I wrap that in an IFNULL, I’ll see a chart spanning the whole august?
will try
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The IFNULL function does not populate rows of data when the row does not exist. Rather, it forces a value to appear when the value is blank.
I think this is a problem. I can’t populate the source data with 0 or NULL values, since we have it split by quite a few dimensions. Filling NULLs for all combinations of that is completely impossible
Although you will not have any data for the other dates, if you use the IFNULL function it will force the missing dates to be shown in your chart - Your metric would look something like:
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ok, lets try that
unfortunately that didn’t work
dates are only populated when there was a data point
I think a hacky trick would be to combine it with another data point that is always there, even though I have to look if that exists
Can you try the following to try and force the 0 to display - please try and update your metric to something like:
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In some cases, the *1 forces 0 to appear even when there is no data. can you please try and give this a go?
Interesting. Will try as well
That worked indeed! I guess that’s worth an update in the online articles! Thanks a lot, not only for helping me finding this, but also for the after-hours work time!
Thanks for letting me know that it worked and for your feedback - Have a great rest of the day 🙂