I am trying to work through some change management...
# gooddata-platform
I am trying to work through some change management steps. 1. I want to be able to backup known good versions of workspaces. I am using https://data-analytics-dev.methodusa.com/gdc/md/{workspaceid}/maintenance/export to create exports. Is there a way I can download these exports to save them on a file server or code repository? 2. Is there a way to import these exports into a workspace that is not empty? If not, how to you empty an existing workspace so that I can import into it? 3. Is there a way to export individual Analysis, Dashboards, and Metrics? and then re-import them later?
In theory, you can backup dashboards and metrics by getting their definition via the API. You could then recreate them in the workspace, but this will only work as long as you are still using the same object identifiers, which make it prone to break easily. Downloading the export is not possible as this is not intended to substitute the Workspace Restoration service we offer to Growth (as addon) and Professional subscribers. For more information about how the workspace backup works, please see: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/growth/en/expand-your-gooddata-platform/gooddata-platform-overview/data-backup/
Can you tell me the API to use to export/import dashboards and metrics?
Hi Willie, to answer your questions: 1) No, you can not download this “full export” 2) No, you can not import the “full export” it to a non-empty workspace So on GoodData Platform the safest way for the end user to backup their work is to create a copy of a workspace (using the full export and import to new workspace). Or to rely on the workspace restore service performed by support mentioned by Moises (which might be either included in your subscription or a paid service depending on your contract). What you can export and backup to a file (and then import back) are: • JSON definition of the Logical Data Model (export it from the web modeller). • JSON definition of the data pipeline (processes and schedules and their parameters from the data integration console) 3) Yes, you can use similar (but different API) https://data-analytics-dev.methodusa.com/gdc/md/{workspaceid}/maintenance/partialmdexport there you specify which objects (dashboards, metrics, insights…) you want to export, get the export token and you can then import this token with API https://data-analytics-dev.methodusa.com/gdc/md/{workspaceid}/maintenance/partialmdimport It is https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/workspace-and-user-administration/adminis[…]rkspace-objects/migrate-selected-objects-between-workspaces/: Here you can import it into non-empty workspace (actually you usually have to have at least a compatible logical data model in the target workspace). Note that when exporting an object, you are also automatically exporting (and then importing) in a cascade also all other objects that this object depends on. So with a dashboard all the insights on it, with insight all the metrics it is using, with a metric all the sub-metrics in it etc. Note that this “partial metadata export & import” does not carry over changes in the logical data model and does not carry over data integration console schedules and processes.
BTW In the GoodData Cloud edition, it is now possible to export whole workspace definition (including dashboards and metrics) to a JSON. But this option is not available for GoodData Platform.