I just got an email saying the CSV uploader will b...
# gooddata-platform
I just got an email saying the CSV uploader will be removed and that if there are any tables within the "load" section that it will stop working. I don't currently update my data via CSV (it refreshes via Snowflake), but I do see tables there. Do I still need to take any action? I tried to follow the instructions found here, but when it got to step 3, I get an error saying "Not found". I see that I already have processes scheduled in the LDM Modeler.
I believe you’re reffering to step 3 here? https://help.gooddata.com/classic/en/data-integration/data-preparation-and-distributi[…]iles-to-your-workspace/use-csv-uploader-for-ad-hoc-analysis/ 3 - Go to “/gdc/md/PID/query/datasets”. You need to update the above URL with your Domain and the ID (PID) of the related workspace - can you please confirm that you have updated the URL accordingly?
Sorry, I must have copied the ID incorrectly. It is working now. To confirm, if "is Product" = 1, I'm good to go? Looks like the datasets are already set to that.
If the value of “isProduction” = 1 it will include the dataset as part of the model. If you’re currently seeing this, you should be all set 🙂
Ok awesome, thank you @Michael Ullock!