hello GD team, i struggle interpreting an error th...
# gooddata-platform
hello GD team, i struggle interpreting an error that i receive when trying to save changes to my existing data model, could you maybe advise where i should check on that? i looked through community and documentation but didn’t find any hints
Hi Masha, may I know what’s the error you are getting? Feel free to send a screenshot if possible
hey Moises, sure, here it is
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Saving failed
[{"message":"Object '%s' already exists","errorClass":"GDC::Exception::User","component":"Stock::MD","parameters":["attr.performance_fact_table_core_finance.factsof"],"requestId":"modeler_ohHhamLYai_oaGQlLdhvW:XQJVWecZjPMUTloW:dlh6wo1ezhl1y88t"}]
for the context,
is one of the datasets of the model. but for this dataset i was not trying to save any changes. i edited one dimensional dataset and created another one.
Hard synchronizing the dataset may take care of the issue. The command will run without the PRESERVE DATA keyword, meaning that data will have to be reloaded afterward:
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SYNCHRONIZE {dataset.nameofdataset};
If you are still having issues, it may be a good idea to delete the dataset and then recreate and reload it since I am not sure about the state the dataset is currently in and what would need to be done.
thanks, i’ll try synchronizing, but i case that doesn’t work, is there any way to preserve the insights if i go with deleting the dataset?
we have trouble running synchronising due to permission error tho we have access to previous steps of grey pages. any idea what we might be doing wrong?
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  "error": {
    "component": "Apache::RESTMD::Component::Permission",
    "errorClass": "GDC::Exception::Forbidden",
    "message": "Invalid operation",
    "parameters": [],
    "requestId": "GjEid5STf4miuAAy:a1288br4bbhbaxfb"
Please make sure the user is enabled in the workspace and that you are using the correct workspace id
so we did try sync and also deleting the datasets and then recreating those, but the similar error (now referring to another dataset that we have also synced) is still there. do yoyu think there’s the way to save the data in workspace and fix it somehow? i still struggle interpreting this error, maybe that might help somehow?
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[{"parameters":["attr.subscription_fact_table_core_finance.factsof"],"message":"Object '%s' already exists","errorClass":"GDC::Exception::User","component":"Stock::MD","requestId":"modeler_8pAw5Wjpgp_CarASe889O:z8yjCtQtPet0azZ5:qwrr36zfgs4i00yo"}]
so the assumption is that those ‘Record of’ objects might be causing trouble but we cannot access those to remove/modify properly. the issue is also present in the cloned workspace. hope you will help us to fix it without loosing workspace data. thanks much in advance!
I can see the new issue is related to the attribute
the connection point
Records of *
(with ID *.factsof) is automatically created if the dataset doesn’t have primary key expicitly selected to serve as one (and the values are autogenerated as well). Have you tried synchronizing the new dataset in question in the cloned workspace first? If not, try with
. MAQLDDL-Synchronize. This Community Thread may help as well: https://community.gooddata.com/data-models-58/error-when-loading-data-into-column-that-s-not-in-the-data-model-521
Hey, I’m working with @Masha Akatieva on that problem at the moment. We tried synchronizing to no avail. I also checked the community thread you provided, but we are at a loss. So far, we have 2 questions: 1. How could it have happened, that those
Records of *
are deleted now? We never before even played with the Physical Data Model and only used that LDM Designer, so, we were not even aware of the existence of it so far. 2. Is there any way we can rescue our Dashboards and Insights? So far it looks, like the whole datamodel cannot be changed anymore. Even adding an empty dummy dataset leads to errors on saving. Killing the Datasets will delete all the insights and dashboards…
@Moises Morales just to let you know: we solved our problem, and the apparently only way to fix it was via using the REST API. The
attributes were marked as
. I just turned that off again, and everything worked as expected
Hi @Thomas Karbe, sorry for the radio silence, I am glad to hear this has been sorted out!
for the record, we still have no clue how we came into the dilemma in the first place. we didn’t play with the API back then, and it seems to us, that the problem was in that workspace already since december. we just didn’t try to modify the data model for some time
Hi Thomas, any changes made on the LDM without synchronizing it can cause it to end up in an inconsistent state. It’s a good practice to synchronize the changes to avoid issues like this. Having said that, it would be hard to determine the exact cause as it’s a factor of multiple reasons.