Let’s continue the discussion in a new thread sinc...
# gooddata-platform
Let’s continue the discussion in a new thread since @Joao original question was not about localisation. In general, GoodData platform allows localisation of metadata through XLIFF files (https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/expand-your-gooddata-platform/gooddata-integration-into-your-application/metadata-localization/). I’m however not sure if tooltips are included into these metadata settings, since it is quite a new feature. Let me check with the team.
Agree, thank you Tomas! Hopefully it is possible 🤞
Hello @Bilal Ćatić, the tooltip is indeed part of the metadata, so it should be possible to include it into localization.
Thank you Tomas for quick response on this 🙏
Thanks for follow-up. I also realised I may not have been totally clear on my question. What I meant was doing quick edits to an insight from a dashboard (hide title, change to %) without having to the insight.
We are also embeding GD on our product, so our clients will not have access to Analyze.