Hello, I've renamed one of my datasets "Transactio...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, I've renamed one of my datasets "Transaction". In the Analyzer it's still shown as "Expense Transaction" (the original name) of the data table. FYI: I used that name because Transaction seems to be a reserved GoodData word. How can I make it appear in the Analyzer as "Transaction"?
Hi Hans, to rename a dataset in GoodData, you can follow these steps: 1. Go to the “Manage” tab > Datasets > The open the dataset you want to rename. 2. Then click on the name of the dataset - next to “Data Set Name” 3. Rename the dataset & click “Save” 4. If you then go to “Analyze” and refresh the page, then click on “Production data”, you should see that the dataset was renamed.
Hi Michael, I did this, and it didn't show it properly in the Platform. Also, Production data is not available to me.
Hi Hans, using the approach I mentioned is visual change in the UI and will not update the dataset name when you look at the model: If you want to rename it in the LDM, you need to open your LDM > Edit > Rename & Save, as outlined here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/data-integration/data-modeling-in-gooddata/update-a-logical-data-model/#UpdateaLogical[…]-Renameadataset
It's only a visual change that I want. I changed the dataset name and I see that it has been changed. Yet it didn't apply the change in the visuals of the Analyze tab.
Can you please clarify which “visuals of the Analyze tab” you’re reffering to in this case? Perhaps a screenshot could help? 🙂
Alright, let me show you this with my Category dataset which I renamed to CategoryX for example:
In the Analyze tab, it still shows as Category, were we expect the update
Hey Hans, I assume you are referring to the folder name in the list of objects on the left side of the Analytical Designer, correct? The thing is, there the “folders” are technically not datasets, but really an object called “folder”. What is a bit confusing is that the data modeller automatically creates one folder for each dataset you create so it looks like this naming is based on dataset name. But as you tried already, renaming your dataset will not change the folder name. To change the folder name you: • go to the Manage section • click Attributes • in the left panel see the “Folders” section and click on the folder you want to rename • then on the top right click “Folder Settings” • rename the folder in the popup and confirm Note that technically attributes and metrics/facts are in two different types of folders. What it means for you is that if you have any facts in your dataset (or if you placed any metrics in the same folder) you will also need to rename the fact/metric folder. You do it the same way as described above, just at the beginning click on “facts” or “metrics” in the left menu and repeat the same steps.
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BTW from the screenshot it seems that with your settings the folders in Analytical Designer are collapsed by default (user need to click the folder to open it). If you'd prefer the folders to be expanded by default, you can do it by setting a configuration "ADCatalogGroupsExpanded" to true as described in https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/workspace-and-user-administration/administrating-workspaces-and-workspace-objects/configure-various-features-via-platform-settings/ There is many other useful configuration options described there including organization of the Analytical Designer folders by tags instead of folders (one object can have multiple tags).
Thanks Michal, this really helped. I created a folder with the right name and moved all facts and attributes I needed in there. Now it shows up fine. Indeed it is a bit confusing why when you change the DataSet name it didn't change the Analyzer Folder name.
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I know that option exists although currently I want my users to see what dimensions are available to contextualize the facts and metrics, so I keep them collapsed. Thanks again for your explanation.
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