Hello, me again:) i also wanted to ask about best ...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, me again:) i also wanted to ask about best practices you guys suggest for staging/test envs from data point of view. i assume duplicating all the workspaces just for stg purposes is not the best approach here. maybe allocating one ‘playground’ workspace and importing there an ldm of the workspace that we would like to test case by case could be an approach? but in that case i didn’t find an automated solution to recreate the content there. i know there’s also an approach to create new tables for the new/data to be removed within an existing model, but that might be sometimes a bit risky so maybe you can advise something from your side? thank you much
Hi Masha, I assume you are using the GoodData Platform and not the Cloud version. The main idea behind having staging and test domains is to make sure that your LCM is ready to roll out the final changes to your production domain, but this will depend enterily on your setup. If you don’t have LCM configured, you can of course test any changes manually, for example, by cloning a production workspace to the test environment. LCM is available as an addon to Growth customers and included in the Enterprise tier.
If you wish to know more about LCM, feel free to reach out to your Account Executive
Hi Moises, yup, we’re using Platform. thanks much, will read more about LCM