Hello, we’re now investigating data discrepancies ...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, we’re now investigating data discrepancies between one of our Gooddata workspaces and the source data (redshift). there are lots of checks to be done yet, but wanted to clarify one thing in advance - is there any limit of data volume per workspace/ time limit per data load that might prevent data from getting from redshift to GD? thanks in advance!
there are some limits but none of them would cause that only part of the data would go in. If the load would fail, it would fail with error and data would not be loaded. Worst case data could be loaded to only some datasets and fail for others. If you are investigating missing data I wouod recommend this: • make sure you have non-duplicate keys in your datasets. In default configuration, GoodData deduplicates any duplicities so if you load three rows with the same values of keys, only one row will be loaded. • make sure you have correct referential integrity - if one dataset references value in another dataset, make sure that this valie exista there. I.e. if your orders contain product key, you need to make sure all these product keys exiat in your product dataset. You can check this for a particular workspace with the validation (described here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/workspace-and-user-administration/administrating-workspaces-and-workspace-objects/validate-a-workspace/). If this is not the case, you might be missing some data in reports with inner joins between datasets.
Hi Masha, And if you’d like to review also the Platform limits, you can find them here.
Thanks much @Michal Hauzirek, it was super insightful! @Ivana Gasparekova Could you please check the link for Platform limits and re-share it if possible? Tho i see that it’s a link to an article when i hover ‘here’, i’m being redirected to zendesc for some reason https://gooddata.zendesk.com/auth/v2/login/signin?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.goodd[…]e=en-us&brand_id=1098606&auth_origin=1098606%2Ctrue%2Ctrue
@Masha Akatieva Sorry for the broken link, my bad. I have edited it in my original comment and I am also re-sending it here: https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407896389139
Actually, it might require login to our Support Portal, that’s why you might be getting redirected. The portal is really hosted by Zendesk.
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