<!channel> :mega: Hello community members, We hav...
# gooddata-platform
<!channel> 📣 Hello community members, We have decided to dedicate this channel to questions related to GoodData Platform and create a new channel for GoodData Cloud questions. This #gd-questions channel has been renamed to #gooddata-platform and will be used for GoodData Platform questions. There is a new channel #gooddata-cloud for GoodData Cloud questions. The other channels remain unchanged: #announcements - Official GoodData Announcements #events - Live events #gd-beginners - Questions & Discussion on how to get started with GoodData #gd-resources - Resources, tips & tricks #gooddata-cn - Questions & Discussion about GoodData.CN (Docker / K8S) #gooddata-ui - Questions & Discussions about the JavaScript library #introductions - Introduce yourself to the community #random - Random stuff
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