Hi i want to make a global filter like that please...
# gooddata-platform
Hi i want to make a global filter like that please help me
Hi Gaurav, May I know what product of GooData are you using, please? Unfortunately, I am not that familiar with this type of Dashboards, I assume it is some custom embedded solution - please correct me if I am wrong here.
Are you working with some of our SDKs, please?
it is design and we are using gooddata in reactjs
have you any idea about that
Hello @Gaurav Tiwari, GoodData does not support slider widget out of the box. You can however use a component of your choice (e.g. https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-slider) and connect it to GD measure value filter (https://gdui-examples.herokuapp.com/measure-value-filter/filter-by-measure-value)
👍 1
@Gaurav Tiwari please see https://github.com/gooddata/ui-sdk-examples/tree/master/cgra-slider. This is a filter example I built years ago and it does exactly what you need. The code you're most interested in is in Home.js.
this is not slider this is only filter and it will filter right side data
I'm sorry but I don't follow. This 👇 is a slider, implemented with https://rsuitejs.com/components/slider/. And it filters the chart above. Hopefully it gives you a good idea on how to implement your custom slider that acts as a global filter. If this is not what you are looking for please be more specific.
i don't want slider i want left side like filter
see in above image
I see, you are looking for the whole panel of filters, not just a single slider filter. I would suggest for you to see AttributeFilter component, DateFilter component and other components from the GoodData.UI library. I think you will find them very useful when building a custom filter panel. There are also some great examples on filtering at https://gdui-examples.herokuapp.com/advanced/global-filters. I hope this helps!
How we will get min in y axis
please reply
@Gaurav Tiwari are you asking how to GET min in y axis or how to SET it? To GET it you might want to create a metric that will give you the desired min and then execute it and read the result. To SET it you are probably looking for IChartConfig yaxis.min property as seen at https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/chart_config.html.