Hi, I have some complications with loading data to...
# gooddata-platform
Hi, I have some complications with loading data to GD ->first there was a porblem with new column BUSINESS_CASE_VEHICLE_YEAR_MANUFACTURED_ON id Keboola writer. So, I removed this column from writer and all unnecessary columns from GD for maximum clearance. But, I badly removed aslo this connection point 'Records of Business Case'. Now, when I want to edit Model and Save it , I get this error message (aslo in attachment 2) How do I fix it please?
Copy code
[{"component":"Stock::MD","errorClass":"GDC::Exception::User","message":"Object '%s' already exists","requestId":"modeler_0npwHi1ZMw_45IL3DdQUu:ciNK8oORxvEniZUp:vbw3wuxuygmt7tx9","parameters":["attr.business_case.factsof"]}]
Also, when I want only reload data without any Model changes, I get this error (attachment 3). But, there is no column like, it is ignored in Keboola writer (attachment 4) and also isnt in source table in GD Sources (attachment 5). Thanks for your help, Ludek
Hi Ludku, first of all, keboola writer is not our product, so we don't have much insight into how it works (it probably just calls our model API in this case). Secondly, the connection point
Records of *
(with ID *.factsof) is automatically created if the dataset doesn't have primary key expicitly selected to serve as one (and the values are autogenerated as well). Deleting it is probably not the best idea. From the errors, I am not sure about the state the dataset is currently in and what would need to be done, but my best bet on easy fix is to delete the dataset and then recreate and reload it.
Hi Boris, Keboola is not important in this issue - just for your idea where the problem is. Simple: GD is still trying to create the connection point that was removed. I need to recreate it. If I delete the dataset and reconnect it, I'll have to set all the attributes and facts again, right? What happens with metrics, insights and dashboards that use columns from this table? Isn't it easier to rollback it to yesterday evenint GD state? Deleting the connection point is not probably a good idea, so can you revert it to its previous state please? We have more than 60 columns mapped to insights and metrics in many dashboards and can't risk something going wrong. About the input table - there is no problem with the structure or data - it is loaded from snowflake with the right column names and data types (all varchar). Thank you for your help, Ludek
@Boris Here is MAQL when saving changes and this is error message
Copy code
[{"message":"Object '%s' already exists","component":"Stock::MD","requestId":"modeler_MC7SPlyT9N_8YgbGyCYEI:jSeGizHBuaXSdG7y:7qhp3u3i40q9vgzk","parameters":["attr.business_case.factsof"],"errorClass":"GDC::Exception::User"}]
I'll have to set all the attributes and facts again, right?
That's correct
What happens with metrics, insights and dashboards that use columns from this table?
Metrics and insights would be deleted.
Deleting the connection point is not probably a good idea, so can you revert it to its previous state please?
This is theoretically possible, and I agree it's the easiest way to resolve the issue. But workspace restoration is a paid service, so you will have to contact your GoodData account representative to agree on the next steps.
👍 1