Hey there, I'm currently trying to migrate 3 works...
# gooddata-platform
Hey there, I'm currently trying to migrate 3 workspaces (with multiple dashboards in each) from GD Platform to GD Cloud. As far as I tried, there's a difference of architecture that prevents using JSON export/import from the interface (at least for the LDM). Now the question is: is there a comprehensive list of the differences between the 2? So I can figure out which entities I can safely export (admitting the Platform API allows it) and import into Cloud, and which ones I'm better off redoing manually.
Hello Bastien, Migration from GD platform to GD cloud is not yet supported or documented on our side. It might be theoretically possible, with some manual effort, but so far we don't have any guidelines for that, as the actual process would depend on the solution. In the future, we plan to have API or tooling for the migration, but we are not there yet. As it's quite small scope migration, I guess it's better to do it manually than trying to figure out some programatic way. And it's also possible to utilize our professional services team.
That's what I expected, thanks for the confirmation 👌