Hi, I have a parent workspace P1 and two children ...
# gooddata-platform
Hi, I have a parent workspace P1 and two children workspaces C1 and C2. These children workspaces have access to dashboards and insights created in the parent workspace. But what I need is in C1 I should only see specific dashboards and same for C2. Is it possible ?
Hello @Mohammad Zahr, let's break this into metadata (metrics, attributes, insights, dashboards) and the actual underlying data in the database that are used for computations. The idea is that Child workspaces typically inherit subset of the data (filtered data) and all of metadata (metrics, attributes, insights, dashboards). The Child workspaces can further contain some "private" metadata (metrics, attributes, insights, dashboards) that are created and only available in each individual workspace.
If you want C1 to only contain specific dashboards, and the same for C2, and there is no overlap, maybe it doesn't make sense to have a common ancestor (parent)?
What exactly are you trying to achieve? Can you please further describe your use-case?
Yeah I understand the above, I'll explain more lets say I have in workspace P1 2 dashboards (salesmen dashboard and accountant dashboard) so in P1 I can see data of all salesmen and accountants. Now I have 2 children workspaces salesman1 and accountant1, here we will make workspace for user to get data filtered by user. So in salesman1 I don't want to see the accountant dashboard because I'm a salesman and same for accountant1.
So is it doable ?
I understand, your use-case makes sense. I'm finding more information. Thank you for your patience!
Hi, any update ?
Hello @Mohammad Zahr! I'm sorry for the delay, I was asking in different teams looking for an answer. I was hoping there would be a metadata property
that you could add to any object in a workspace (dashboard, insight, metric, …) that would hide the object. But unfortunately this is not currently possible. Please tell me, would it be enough to have a
property on analyticalDashboard entity that would hide the dashboard in certain workspaces? The dashboard would still be part of the workspace and accessible via APIs, but it would not show in the dashboard list in the UI. If you kindly respond to my questions I will forward your feedback to our product team. Thank you!