Hi all, I have a question about what really is an ...
# gooddata-platform
Hi all, I have a question about what really is an execution - Opening an Dashboard is 100% counted as an execution. But what about filters. One of our customer is asking us If filtering on dashboard filters is counted as execution. For example. If customer clicks on Dashboard -> Filters City -> Filters Street Is that 1 execution or 3 executions? I don't really know how these are counted. Thanks in advance
Hi Martin, Generally speaking an execution counts whenever new data is called into an insight/report/dashboard. Therefore, if a filter value is changed on a dashboard it will count as an execution.
Note: when the same values in filters are used second time, the execution is done again (API calls), but results are read from our caches, data source is not queried again. The same applies if users pick different sorting, pivoting or they go to next page in the result.