hi there! I have a question on cloning a workspace...
# gooddata-platform
hi there! I have a question on cloning a workspace. I exported and imported a workspace (with the data included) using the gray pages. For the imported workspace, the mapping of the fields in the ldm was not imported and seemingly had to be updated manually in the new imported workspace. Is that how it's supposed to work or did I do something wrong? 🙂
Hi Josefin, we are able to replicate this in the testing environment and are currently checking on the expected functionality.
In the meantime, Josefin, you can use the “export” & “import” features of the LDM modeller to migrate your mapping after you clone your workspace.
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Hi Josefin, After further consultation, it has been determined that this is expected behavior. If you need to do the cloning, you will also need to manually export/import the LDM If they need to clone just a couple workspaces I suggest to use the manual model export and import.
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Okay, thank you 🙂