I'm having a strange problem with some of my numer...
# gooddata-platform
I'm having a strange problem with some of my numeric data where I can get min/max, but I can't get sum/avg. Any thoughts on what might be going wrong? Postgres data source.
Do you please have some more specific example? Are you getting some error, or the calculation is not correct? Are you applying the sum/avg on facts or on another metrics?
Thanks @Michal Hauzírek. I have a metric called "Unit Cost" that I'm dropping directly into the metrics section on the "Analyze" tab. No row or column facts. All I get is a "SORRY, WE CAN'T DISPLAY THIS INSIGHT" but a "Maximum" returns a value
I see, that is strange indeed. Are you using the hosted GoodData platform or do you host yourself the GoodData.CN edition?
I think we just solved the issue - this field is being stored in JSON originally, and we have an empty value in the data. It can't be converted to a numeric format, so we're getting a casting error. Thanks for responding!
Great, that would explain it.
Interesting. When you say "empty value", do you mean empty string? Does it mean VARCHAR column to LDM fact?